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the rattlebox

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by Scuderia Sat Jun 04, 2011 1:08 am

davenport wrote:your not the first to suggest this... i`ve tried a couple of entry/exits with the gussets in place and its possible.. certainly not quick.. and a bit clumsy but possible...

Quick Release steering wheel boss would probably make life easier...

You'll never have another dignified entry or exit again Twisted Evil but iam sure you can live with it i sure could Cool

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by martyboi Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:30 am

davenport wrote:your not the first to suggest this... i`ve tried a couple of entry/exits with the gussets in place and its possible.. certainly not quick.. and a bit clumsy but possible...

Quick Release steering wheel boss would probably make life easier...

Laughing thats why maccy d's have a drive thru Twisted Evil

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by davenport Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:45 pm

ok.. a nice update!! don`t worry though i`ve been keeping my beady eye on you gents..

Quaife Quickrack!!

and like all things.. its been a fucking saga!!

originally organised in a groupbuy through the Rallye Register and paid for end of DECEMBER!! last year after a lot of stalling/excuses/bullshit they were eventually delivered earlier this month and early signs were good:

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waiting was the easy bit.. once they turned up the real headaches began!!

a few people had mentioned there was an issue refitting the rack so rather than dive in and find out i stripped everything down and broke out the vernier!!

the flats that fit into the 106 UJ at the end of the colomn measured 13mm:

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for some reason though Quaife decided to ignore this and made theirs 14mm!!:

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a few phone calls and they admitted their balls up and the pinion was sent back and a modified 1 sent out super quick...

at this point i thought "here we fucking go...."

but no... more issues!!

the original bearing in the pug rack measured 32mm od:

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and the 1 Quaife supplied measured............................................................................... 35mm!!:

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after a trip to my local bearing specialist it seems that SKF dont even list a bearing that size and peugeot are cunts... well.. not actual cunts.. but they had a bearing specially made for the racks..

the reason for Quaife supplying the 35mm unit was that a later model rack was sent to them and that uses a more common bearing size... so.....

a trip to my local scrappy today.. 15minutes climbing into wrecks resulted in this:

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a S2 rack for a T plater.. this has literally JUST been stripped, rebuilt with the Quaife internals and refitted to the rattlebox..

the verdict is... WOOP!!!

Stig Of The Dump
Stig Of The Dump

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by Scuderia Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:58 pm

Hi Pal,


It never rains but it pours....bloody manufacturer's Rolling Eyes,at least you managed to get it sorted out in the end....again!,you are the man,

Cheers Don

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by martyboi Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:30 am

Laughing mate...... the amount of money quaife charge for their stuff you would think they would do their homework a bit better Shocked
anyways, all well that ends well eh Twisted Evil

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by davenport Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:49 pm

in fairness to quaife the bearing issue wasn`t there fault.. they were sent a late model to use for spec so i can overlook that...

the UJ compatabilty cock up however was a complete balls up on there part.. respect however for admitting the oversight and putting it right as soon as they did..

i can see why it happened.. there main buisness is WRC/BTCC/high end stuff... and as such theyre main focus, rightly so, wil be directed at them guys.. especially during race season, however with the resorces they have to hand i`d certainly have expected it to be right first time....

Stig Of The Dump
Stig Of The Dump

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by martyboi Tue Jul 05, 2011 3:03 am

true true, at least they sorted it out sharpish Cool

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by davenport Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:21 am


some mods.. some re-work (nowt like spending ages on stuff only to find its not right!!!)

heater matrix bypass pipe...

so.. until the stat opens the water needs a way to get around the engine so rather than the push on rubber hose i went a bit OTT...

the stat housing was modified to accept a Goodridge fitting and the 45Degree fitting then goes onto a fitting i`ve welded onto the waterpipe i made for the back of the engine:

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and the waterpipe:

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and the rocker cover i modified the breather on, when theres a fitting on the cover and the catchtank i made the length of the pip is very short.. now.. he engine shouldn`t move too much due to the rose jointed bottom link and the GrpA mounts but it looked like a recipe for something breaking.. so its moved from the Cam end:

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to the gearbox end:

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should allow an amount of flex for engine movement and virbrations...
an thats about it so far....

Stig Of The Dump
Stig Of The Dump

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by Scuderia Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:32 am

Home Made fabrication Cool

Looking good as always,

Cheers Don

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by davenport Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:53 pm


a major WORK IN PROGRESS update.. but...

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as you can see the pivot point for the brake pedal has moved and a 3mm thick pickup made for the clutch and brake pedals to share.. a new 3mm outer plate has been made that not only supports the clutch pivot but also supports the master cylinders.. a piece now needs to be made to:

*support the brake pedal pivot
*clear the steering knuckle
*clear the throttle cable
*support the backplate that holds the master cylinders...

hmmm could be a tricky bastard!!!!

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the big side plate needs a window cutting in to allow clearance for the bias bar...

an some geeky shit... feel free to ignore...

with the ideal pedal ratio of 6:1 acheived, due to the limited length of the peugeot pedal the short arm that operates the cylinders is quite short and that causes some issues..

1- suitable stroke.. pedal moves a lot but the arm only moves 1/6th of the distance..
2- the arc that the upper pivot is quite a tight radius that means as the arm moves towards the master cylinders it travels up and down (imagine 1 of those knobs on a steering wheel..)

1- according to the AP site the cylinders i plan to use have a 1" stroke.. 6" of foot travel?? meh.. should still be way off the floor i reckon...
2- also.. according to the AP site the maximum angle the pushrods can go through is 4degrees.. from a few more measurements i think theres about 40mm of travel before that angle is exceeded...

so... basically... it should work.....

basically..... lol

Stig Of The Dump
Stig Of The Dump

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by Scuderia Wed Jul 27, 2011 1:15 pm

Looking good!,

A little complex me thinks,you'll have your work cut out!,but iam sure you'll sort it out as always, i have to say i do like the idea of a pedal box myself....but there way out of my price range at the minute,

Cheers Don


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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by davenport Sun Jul 31, 2011 12:44 pm

ok... update... and its a good `un..

attempted to try the box and 1 thing became apparent... it needed to go on a diet.. big time!!

so a lot of thin disc action, trimming and a revised mock up it was judgement time.....

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theres even clearance (just) for the std throttle cable grommet to pass...

needs a bit more clearance at the top but i can now make the final part in 1 piece and start working out master cylinder sizes once i finalise the front calipers....

Stig Of The Dump
Stig Of The Dump

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by Scuderia Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:05 am

German Girl Friend.......rightintight! Laughing Looking good though,fruit for lunch no more pies Laughing,

Cheers Don

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by davenport Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:59 pm

hello hello hello!!!

apologies for not being on here too much...

personal issues/work issues/no money issues/er..... issues....

anyhow.. 3 of those 4 have been sorted.. i`m just left with "issues" now hahaha mental mostly but i can deal with those hahaha

so.. the car...

well fear not my octane loving amigos!! its not been totally neglected!!!

after being outbid on 6!! yes thats right 6 sets of AP/lotus elise/vx220 calipers i got pissed off and started firing off emails to sellers saying if they get messed around i`ll match the winning bid and collect...

a week went past and then i got a reply...

"hi Stu, my brakes sold, but my friend has an identical set (also unused) and said they wont go under his brakes.. you can have them if you want"

so... a drive to Norwich, a chat with a very very cool guy called Dan about his Mk1 golfs, £140 (bargain considering these are £195each+vat from AP) and hitting an indicated 135mph in the birds clio on the way home much to the annoyance of the Merc driver trying to overtake me... i had these!!

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i wasn`t sure what size discs these used so i rang AP direct...

what a mission!!!

after a snotty receptionist, a transfer to "tech", a transfer to "design".. back to the snotty receptionist who tried to put me back through to "design".. i hung up and had a coffee..

then tried again!!!

luckily this time i managed to get someone helpful who after a few clicks on his mouse declared

"yes mate... you need 300x26mm discs"

hmmm 300mm discs.. and caliper clearance... on a 15" rim....

step forward compomotive!!! (and some chipboard)

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i also had a bit of a redesign on the pedal box to shrink it a bit and give the master cylinders more room..

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so... now i need some MORE pipes and some master cylinders.. as for the reservoirs, i got a couple off compbrake and made a simple bracket to mount them onto some existing studs on the bulkhead:

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and thats everything up to date... sorry for the epic read, hopefully its worth the effort.. if not let me know and i`ll just bang pics up in future hahahaha

next up.. discs/bells/caliper brackets... pipework... maybe loom end of the year time...

Stu xxx

Stig Of The Dump
Stig Of The Dump

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by Scuderia Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:49 am

Looking good Stu,love the AP brakes....Cool,

I must admit i have been looking at a set of AP brakes myself along with a new set of wheels as my 13" alloys would be too small to accommodate a set of AP callipers, but sadly its like you say, it always comes down to time and money and iam short of both at the minute,

Looking good,keep it up,

All the best Don

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by davenport Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:53 am

the rattlebox - Page 6 2011-09-22143436

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Stig Of The Dump
Stig Of The Dump

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by davenport Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:22 pm

Got the disc mocked up...

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As suspected.. Its fookin close...

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Fitted the inlet and bodies...

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Nuff inlet length Yo!...

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Not much room under the bonnet...

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Should be ok though!!...

[video] [/video]

Thats all for now...

Stig Of The Dump
Stig Of The Dump

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by Scuderia Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:19 am

Looking good Pal,

The clearance on my Cento stock callipers are much the same as yours,although i do have a little more clearance than you but not by much just enough to fit the wheel balancing weights,i have to be honest i would like i nice set of 4 pots for mine, but i would have to increase the wheel size from 13" to 14",but money is tight at the minute, so wheels and callipers will have to wait until i save some funds,

Keep them updates coming in Cool ,have you heard from Marty by any chance?,Ive not seen or heard from him in a while,

Cheers Don

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by davenport Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:15 am

No.. and ive lost his number!! Hope the corsa hasnt caused him a mental breakdown....

Stig Of The Dump
Stig Of The Dump

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by davenport Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:08 pm

hello hello... !!

it has been a while since i updated this but a few things have been updated!!

the bias pedal box has been plumbed and fitted:

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a few freinds and I arranged a rolling road day and i took along my girlfriends clio:

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which ended up making some nice numbers:

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with the car going away soon to be wired i had to finish the fuel system so i got a new fuel rail + regulator + housing from a UK company : SBD

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which fitted superbly:

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finally with the car going away i had to move it... this was quite special as it has sat in the same spot for 3 years now.. but at last!! i can see the concrete again!!

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a LOT of biking on a poxy BMX saw 14miles clocked up, a saw crotch, and some fuel lines... so thats ok..

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at the sight of this i felt a little aroused so took some pics of the ol girl!!

knob shot!

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with all the pipework done, it was time.......

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loaded up we hit the A1 and the A14 and ended up @ Matts...

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basic outlines are

launch control
pit lane speed limiter
closed loop lambda
"deutsch" mil spec connectors here-n-there...

then there was some rather BIG news

the missus is due to pop out our first sprog early november time my time/money/efforts have been concentrated on turning this:

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into this:

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and working my arse off to afford this!:

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anyhow, things seem to have gotten to a point now where other than a couple of items, its now a waiting game and the "boy" front.. so i set about rounding up all the bits needed to get the car driving once Matts done the looms..

so the list:

1-new driveshafts - EASY!

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these differ from standard as the have 6 bearings in the outer CV joint rather than the std 3 so should!! be stronger..

2-find paddle clutch + cover - EASY! in a box in the workshop....
3-clutch release bearing - EASY! went and bought a new LUK item...
4-clutch to flywheel bolts - ahhhhh things got tricky, pug no longer sell them so after a frantic search in every box i eventually found them!!

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what else....

ahhh yes the wierd L shaped bolts that hold the bearing in the intermediate carrier behind the block and the nuts for them...
these remain AWOL in the workshop so had to buy new ones, and being pug they had minimum quantities so i now have 4 bolts and a bag of 10 M7 nuts.....

but at least i have everything!!!!!

as for progress over at TDF, things have moved on a bit!!

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thats the "upper" engine loom but still needs labelling and the autosport connectors thrown on...

sorry for the LONG abscence, but theres been so much going on car/pregnancy/new job, i hope you guys are all good??????

Stig Of The Dump
Stig Of The Dump

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by martyboi Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:06 am

Heyup Stu good too see you about, i don't think I'm in any position to say anything about long absences Embarassed
congratulations on the baby front pal, like the room.

The rattlebox is coming along nicely mate Cool


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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

Post by Scuderia Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:49 am

Nice One on the new arrival Cool ,

This car is on another level from mine...many many levels above mine to be honerst,i just love it,good to see your still at it,

P.S.........are those Maclarens as close as you will get to the real,

All the best Don

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the rattlebox - Page 6 Empty Re: the rattlebox

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